alarm bell 14.35   Alarm bells went off.
  cow bell 1.58   And the cow bells had gone silent.
  brass bell 1.51   He was ringing a big brass bell.
  school bell 1.32   Ibrahim was in charge of ringing the school bell each morning.
  door bell 1.18   The door bell rings.
  sleigh bell 1.18   A jingling sound, sleigh bells, I think.
  jingle bell 0.66   Forget the custom jingle bells.
  temple bell 0.59   We heard them ringing the temple bell.
  bicycle bell 0.39   The gring, gring of handle-bar bicycle bells went off steadily in the background.
  fire bell 0.39   There goes the fire bell!
  hand bell 0.33   He rang a small hand bell.
  steeple bell 0.33   The dull twang of an ancient steeple bell solemnly reports the hour ...
  lunch bell 0.26   But then the lunch bell rings.
  morning bell 0.26   Ibrahim was in charge of ringing the school bell each morning.
  village bell 0.26   The village bells pealed every hour in commemoration.
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