well being 2.37   I pray every day for their well being.
  living being 1.78   These are living beings.
  first being 1.32   But there are negatives, the first being cost.
  whole being 1.18   It takes over your whole being.
  alien being 0.92   But they also fear television as an alien being.
  supernatural being 0.86   ...supernatural beings.
  very being 0.86   Their very being is in the picture.
  divine being 0.79   There is something irresistible about these divine beings.
  intelligent being 0.79   Are there intelligent beings on other planets?
  entire being 0.72   The fifth cup cleanses my entire being.
  latter being 0.72   Gould identified them as distinct and separate species, the latter being new to science.
  the being 0.66   A witness saw the two being swept away and called authorities.
  able being 0.59   That, and being able to channel his aggression into making tackles.
  sentient being 0.59   It treated dead people and dead forms as sentient beings.
  celestial being 0.46   We wanted a celestial being.
  sexual being 0.46   She was being flaunted as a sexual being.
  family being 0.39   I enjoy my family being with me on the road.
  higher being 0.39   We answer to higher beings.
  inner being 0.39   We cannot get away from our own inner being.
  rational being 0.39   Here I believe all rational beings are in accord.
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