wooden beam 5.00   Exposed wooden ceiling beams called vigas.
  light beam 2.96   The light beam could be a sculpture.
  infrared beam 1.97   Each camera sends out an infrared beam.
  wood beam 1.51   Blackened wood beams hung from the ceiling.
  metal beam 1.25   It was made up of wooden planks supported by green metal beams.
  exposed beam 1.12   The ceiling is high with exposed beams.
  ceiling beam 1.05   Ceiling beams remain exposed in the house.
  concrete beam 0.92   Concrete beams and a concrete wall will tend to move as one.
  old beam 0.92   There are many fine old beams.
  narrow beam 0.86   Instead of a narrow beam, the atom laser was like a dripping blob.
  large beam 0.66   A. The cracking is normal in large wood beams.
  charred beam 0.59   Charred beams leaned crazily against the interior shell.
  falling beam 0.59   Remember the falling beams that shut down Yankee Stadium in April?
  main beam 0.59   At one curve in the road the driver stopped and flashed his main beams.
  oak beam 0.59   Tacked to the oak beams,
  supporting beam 0.59   There are supporting beams out of place.
  new beam 0.53   I saw when they brought the new beams in.
  bright beam 0.46   The bright beam provides better visibility under furniture and in closets.
  horizontal beam 0.46   Can I take those horizontal beams down?
  huge beam 0.46   More importantly, she ended those races with a huge beam on her face.
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