private bathroom 4.34   We have private bathrooms.
  new bathroom 1.97   We need a new bathroom suite.
  public bathroom 1.97   No public bathrooms.
  marble bathroom 1.78   Suites have fireplaces and marble bathrooms.
  upstairs bathroom 1.32   The upstairs bathroom is the pits!
  adjoining bathroom 0.92   Sarella marched to the adjoining bathroom.
  large bathroom 0.92   Upstairs is the master bedroom, playroom, and bedroom for Hunter and a large bathroom.
  shared bathroom 0.92   Shared bathrooms are on each floor.
  small bathroom 0.92   It starts in a small bathroom downstairs.
  spacious bathroom 0.86   My room was dim and cramped, though with a spacious bathroom.
  tiny bathroom 0.79   She followed her nose to the tiny bathroom.
  downstairs bathroom 0.72   That new downstairs bathroom needed a shower.
  en_suite bathroom 0.72   Both bedrooms have en suite bathrooms.
  master bathroom 0.72   But the master bathroom down the hall is where his favorite hotel finds are.
  modern bathroom 0.66   There were modern bathrooms, proper clothes closets and new kitchens.
  big bathroom 0.53   Even with a big old bathroom.
  common bathroom 0.53   Each floor had one common bathroom.
  communal bathroom 0.53   The waits to use communal bathrooms are long.
  locked bathroom 0.53   The young man who died mysteriously in a locked bathroom.
  portable bathroom 0.53   Ten portable bathrooms were installed Sunday.
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