make basket 3.75   As in, make a basket.
  shoot basket 3.62   Shoot a basket, shake a hand.
  score basket 2.76   Tech then scored seven baskets in a row.
  get basket 1.97   Go and get your basket of cones then.
  attack basket 1.91   Offensively, the Sonics attacked the basket.
  carry basket 1.58   Do let me carry that basket for you.
  trade basket 1.58   For the next seven minutes, the teams traded baskets.
  face basket 1.38   I can shoot it out on the floor facing the basket.
  fill basket 1.38   They had three shopping baskets filled.
  hit basket 1.32   Dale Ellis hit a basket.
  need basket 1.32   They wanted and needed a basket.
  have basket 1.12   Bristol had two baskets during the run.
  hang basket 0.99   Fern bars sprung up with hanging macrame baskets.
  miss basket 0.92   Both teams missed easy baskets.
  weave basket 0.86   She also weaves baskets.
  create basket 0.79   The key is for Rogers to is use his post game to create easy baskets.
  find basket 0.79   The Sonics found the basket in the first quarter.
  sink basket 0.72   Webb sinks baskets.
  exchange basket 0.66   He wanted to stop exchanging baskets.
  bring basket 0.59   I remember people coming to bring us baskets of apples.
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