company base 7.11   Company based in Seattle.
  group base 3.55   Burma blamed anti-SLORC groups based in Japan for the attack.
  fee base 2.17   Fees based on sliding scale.
  firm base 1.65   Brown, a major regional stock brokerage firm based in Baltimore.
  service base 1.65   Delta plans to add more direct service based on demand.
  government base 1.58   He advocates a government based on Sharia, or Islamic law.
  court base 1.51   The court based its verdict on lack of evidence.
  system base 1.51   The farming system based on thirteen wooden balls.
  decision base 1.45   We made life decisions based on those assurances.
  program base 1.38   Software programs based on hit movies or cartoon characters often do well.
  troop base 1.32   All claimants but Brunei have troops based on some of the islands.
  agency base 1.18   He said rating agencies based their forecasts on information received.
  force base 1.18   It is battling opposition forces based in the north.
  rate base 1.12   All rates based on double occupancy.
  state base 1.12   They seek to establish a state based on Islamic law.
  official base 1.05   Senior Chinese officials based here mingled easily.
  story base 1.05   He used to write stories based on his imagination.
  discrimination base 0.99   Discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin became illegal.
  contract base 0.92   The Merc offers monthly contracts based on heating degree days expected in those cities.
  movie base 0.92   Maybe a movie based on his life.
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