constant barrage 2.24   That constant barrage of noise is particularly significant.
  new barrage 1.38   A new barrage of criticism in the press hit the show.
  steady barrage 1.25   What is the effect of this steady barrage?
  daily barrage 0.99   Window casings and balconies were chewed down from daily machine-gun barrages.
  latest barrage 0.86   Sudan fired off the latest barrage Friday in reply to a blast from Egypt.
  deafening barrage 0.66   As a deafening new barrage of anti-aircraft opened up in the capital Tuesday night, civilians cowered.
  heavy barrage 0.66   But others recalled only heavy barrages of American firepower, not hostile fire.
  relentless barrage 0.66   The question about her money occasions a relentless barrage of phone calls from her, correcting, cajoling, amending.
  verbal barrage 0.59   From the dugout, Chapman led the verbal barrage.
  endless barrage 0.46   It was an endless barrage of questions.
  advertising barrage 0.39   And the advertising barrage has begun in earnest now.
  fierce barrage 0.39   Rebel Serbs unleashed a fierce barrage on a beleaguered pocket of northeastern Bosnia.
  first barrage 0.39   Irvin somewhat testily responded to the first barrage of Woodson questions.
  second barrage 0.39   The army said no one was hurt in a second mortar barrage on a fortified Israeli position.
  withering barrage 0.39   Instead, Russian artillery and warplanes have carried out a withering barrage of suspected rebel positions.
  continuous barrage 0.33   Instead, the Russians have relied on a continuous barrage of air and artillery raids.
  fresh barrage 0.33   Its decision to appeal the court ruling drew a fresh barrage of criticism.
  home-run barrage 0.33   OK, so fix it already and let the home-run barrage begin.
  intense barrage 0.33   Workers throughout the country have been subject to an intense barrage of Xu Hu propaganda over the past few days.
  recent barrage 0.33   Recent Katyusha barrages provoked the latest Israeli offensive against Hezbollah bases in Lebanon.
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