cake bake 0.99   While cake is baking, make glaze.
  sun bake 0.79   You know, all that sun baked their brains.
  heat bake 0.59   The sun shone brightly Thursday, but the heat baked the mud like bricks.
  mother bake 0.53   Sunday mornings my mother would bake.
  woman bake 0.53   Another woman baked fruit cobbler.
  cookie bake 0.46   She prefers cookies baked fresh.
  bakery bake 0.33   In Sarajevo, the Serbs cut the natural gas supply, meaning the city bakery could not bake bread Monday.
  bread bake 0.26   Unleavened bread baked in ashes.
  crust bake 0.26   The pie makes it own crust as it bakes.
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