checked baggage 4.02   Very little checked baggage is examined.
  emotional baggage 2.96   Both carry emotional baggage.
  excess baggage 1.97   Excess baggage?
  political baggage 1.84   He carries more political baggage than she did.
  heavy baggage 1.25   Some, like Kennedy, have heavy baggage.
  extra baggage 1.05   The extra baggage is not for souvenirs.
  lost baggage 1.05   The amount of lost baggage is down.
  personal baggage 0.79   The personal baggage he took with him was heavy, though.
  cultural baggage 0.72   We are not stuck with that cultural baggage.
  historical baggage 0.66   Mars, they say, is a fresh start, a place to get away from guilty historical baggage.
  curbside baggage 0.59   Curbside baggage check-in was eliminated.
  ideological baggage 0.59   Borjas brings with him a fair amount of ideological baggage.
  considerable baggage 0.53   Each carries considerable baggage.
  new baggage 0.46   Denver Airport new automated baggage system on display.
  mishandled baggage 0.39   Another key indicator of service is mishandled baggage.
  old baggage 0.39   Old baggage.
  psychological baggage 0.39   But Weir carries psychological baggage.
  mental baggage 0.33   And he has the mental baggage of that losing streak.
  overhead baggage 0.33   Passenger tosses his huge carry-on bag into the overhead baggage compartment.
  carryon baggage 0.26   The Association of Flight Attendants wants the federal government to take over airport security screening and national limits on carryon baggage.
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