government back 15.73   The government backed down.
  administration back 6.45   He said the administration backs it.
  party back 6.12   Together, the two parties backed Iacovou.
  leader back 5.13   The rebel leader backed down.
  company back 5.00   The company backed down.
  group back 4.21   Several groups backed El Hadi.
  official back 4.21   The officials backed off.
  country back 4.15   Wealthy countries back financial reforms.
  tank back 3.75   Troops backed by tanks patrolled the area Monday.
  head back 3.62   Johnson heads back out.
  voter back 3.29   Even better, the voters have backed them.
  troop back 3.16   Rwanda denies its troops are backing the rebels.
  helicopter back 2.63   Officers conducted searches, backed by helicopters.
  police back 2.63   The police are backing down.
  player back 2.30   His players are backing him up.
  majority back 2.24   The majority back the KNU.
  member back 2.17   Security Council members have backed the desision.
  president back 2.11   But would her president back her?
  investor back 2.04   Not that individual investors backed off.
  team back 2.04   The team backed its coach.
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