defensive back 74.92   And he wanted to be a defensive back.
  lower back 34.17   He has a sprained lower back.
  right back 21.66   Gave it right back.
  sore back 21.33   He has a sore back.
  bad back 18.30   A bad back.
  further back 6.12   A bit further back to Uni days.
  left back 5.92   Willie Falconer will deputise at left back.
  strained back 5.66   Center Shawn Bradley has a strained lower back.
  moving back 5.27   No chance of moving back into town, then?
  full back 5.20   Full back Jon Bland is doubtful.
  flying back 4.81   Praps the tactic of flying full backs has to stop?
  aching back 4.28   Now it is his aching back.
  straight back 4.08   Straight back to Sofia.
  upper back 3.62   I began with my upper back, at full speed.
  welcome back 3.29   Otherwise, welcome back.
  stiff back 3.23   This stiff back is, however.
  injured back 2.96   Anthony Tucker has an injured back.
  farther back 2.63   He paced farther back behind the building.
  broken back 2.57   One person had a broken back.
  family back 2.57   So is his family back in Oklahoma.
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