public awareness 23.37   In terms of public awareness, quite a bit.
  greater awareness 6.06   Greater awareness helps, too.
  growing awareness 4.67   The growing awareness of date rape has spawned new rules.
  environmental awareness 4.61   On environmental awareness.
  increased awareness 3.69   Handel attributed this to increased awareness.
  heightened awareness 2.96   Heightened awareness can be ethics enough.
  increasing awareness 2.70   This is attributed to an increasing awareness of health issues.
  political awareness 1.91   Political awareness is inevitable.
  cultural awareness 1.84   -- Cultural awareness training.
  new awareness 1.78   With a crisis comes new awareness.
  social awareness 1.65   Flaunting social awareness, they decided to hire . . . a woman.
  tactical awareness 1.12   They are relying much more on imagination, skill, and tactical awareness.
  international awareness 1.05   Such advocacy groups raise international awareness.
  historical awareness 0.86   That denial is based on a sharp historical awareness of the city at this moment.
  acute awareness 0.79   The movement demanded an acute awareness of body movement and breathing.
  national awareness 0.72   And it brought a national awareness to drug abuse on college campuses.
  raising awareness 0.72   She was active raising awareness and money for serious diseases.
  better awareness 0.66   Officials in both cities called for better awareness of safety.
  general awareness 0.66   The project should raise general awareness about bullying.
  sexual awareness 0.66   Louganis becomes a solid high school and college diver, though we see little of his sexual awareness.
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