market average 8.29   Broader market averages were mixed.
  industry average 4.87   The industry average is about a third.
  grade-point average 3.69   Your grade-point average?
  four-week average 1.32   It was the lowest four-week average in two weeks.
  season average 0.92   His season average is five.
  league average 0.86   Sather wanted the player payroll closer to the league average.
  goal average 0.79   Well because they had a better goal average in all the other games.
  benchmark average 0.66   The benchmark average was led lower by Merck and Coke.
  three-month average 0.66   Trading in both companies was about twice the three-month average.
  five-year average 0.53   Corn inventories should be below the five-year average.
  stroke average 0.53   Stroke average?
  world average 0.53   Even so, growth rates stayed below the world average, the WTO said.
  career average 0.46   His scoring is more than eight points below his career average.
  grade average 0.46   The missed test dropped his grade average.
  group average 0.46   The higher costs, in turn, raise the group average.
  transportation average 0.46   Airline stocks boosted the Dow transportation average.
  fund average 0.33   In fact, a few have done worse than the broad market gauges or the stock fund averages on such days.
  week average 0.33   Temperatures were above average all week.
  year average 0.33   Glaus also is hitting for a higher average this year.
  on-base average 0.26   He still led the AL in slugging percentage and was third in on-base average.
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