seek autonomy 11.26   Autonomy is being sought.
  grant autonomy 7.83   Mexico president grants Indians autonomy.
  extend autonomy 7.11   Talks on extending autonomy began in Paris Wednesday.
  have autonomy 5.60   He has autonomy.
  want autonomy 4.94   He wanted autonomy.
  give autonomy 4.34   Palestinians there have been given limited autonomy.
  demand autonomy 4.02   Residents are demanding greater autonomy.
  enjoy autonomy 2.76   It will, however, continue to enjoy autonomy within the group.
  support autonomy 2.63   The West supports autonomy for Kosovo but not independence.
  launch autonomy 2.44   Palestinian autonomy was launched in May.
  expand autonomy 2.37   Such a pullout is part of a plan to expand the autonomy given to the PLO in the Gaza Strip last May.
  offer autonomy 1.97   But he did offer broad autonomy.
  reject autonomy 1.45   Indonesia said it would let go of the territory if its people reject autonomy.
  accept autonomy 1.32   But it may yet have to make war with Serbia to get it to accept autonomy.
  gain autonomy 1.25   Scotland and Wales gain more autonomy.
  retain autonomy 1.25   In the agreement, Tweedy Browne will retain operational autonomy.
  restore autonomy 1.18   Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic appears unwilling to restore autonomy.
  discuss autonomy 1.05   EGYPT-ARAFAT, top PLO officials discuss autonomy.
  spread autonomy 1.05   Otherwise, Rabin warned, the negotiations to spread autonomy were off.
  broaden autonomy 0.99   Negotiations now are aimed at broadening the autonomy to all of the West Bank.
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