best-selling author 9.68   Best-selling author.
  british author 6.45   The ruling forced the British author into hiding.
  lead author 5.99   Albert is lead author of the study.
  feminist author 3.62   Feminist author Camille Paglia agreed.
  american author 3.16   American authors too.
  principal author 2.30   Claudio is the principal author of the report.
  famous author 2.24   I grew up wanting to be a famous author.
  well-known author 2.24   San San Nwe is a well-known author.
  prolific author 2.17   He was a prolific author.
  first author 2.04   He is first author of the study in Science.
  the author 1.84   Dreiser added that all the other authors were dead.
  black author 1.51   Have publishers finally learned to love black authors?
  chief author 1.51   Was chief author of the act.
  favorite author 1.51   A favorite author of my youth.
  prominent author 1.51   It had already lost some prominent authors, including Steven King.
  new author 1.32   Life magazine featured the new author in a July issue.
  nobel_prize-winning author 1.25   Among its tenants were the actor Zero Mostel and the Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer.
  senior author 1.25   The genus Cryptocoryne has been revised recently by the senior author.
  anonymous author 1.05   The book was attributed to an anonymous author.
  local author 1.05   A profile of the local author.
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