have aura 3.09   She had an aura.
  create aura 1.45   He has created this aura of distrust.
  lose aura 0.99   Sixty-one has lost its aura.
  project aura 0.79   He did not, on the other hand, project any aura of worry.
  retain aura 0.79   The building retains an aura of mystery.
  exude aura 0.72   He looks wiry and exudes no aura.
  lend aura 0.59   Some restorers say the holes lend an aura of antiquity.
  cultivate aura 0.53   He cultivated an aura of invincibility.
  maintain aura 0.46   And if she does, can she maintain her aura among her fans?
  carry aura 0.33   An actor of obvious talent, he carries an aura of potential evil.
  feel aura 0.33   She felt an aura of sadness around her like a pall.
  acquire aura 0.26   The common black metal spring clip, an office mainstay, has acquired an aura of misery.
  add aura 0.26   So add aura to intelligence.
  assume aura 0.26   Here, it assumed an aura of danger.
  bring aura 0.26   He brings an aura.
  confer aura 0.26   The festival confers an aura of privilege and shared experience.
  convey aura 0.26   But the handsome actor, who resembles the young, ultra-slick George Hamilton, conveys no aura of physical menace.
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