have audience 13.17   Ruff had an audience.
  attract audience 8.10   Both attracted older audiences.
  find audience 7.64   And it has found an audience.
  draw audience 6.52   It would draw an audience.
  reach audience 6.19   Mail-order business reaches Muslim audience.
  address audience 4.21   Clinton address the audience.
  tell audience 4.02   McBride tells audiences.
  build audience 3.69   It builds an audience.
  leave audience 3.36   But it is Armani who left his audience more stunned.
  keep audience 2.83   But we have to keep the audience.
  bring audience 2.76   Did they bring the audience in?
  take audience 2.70   But how about taking the audience?
  get audience 2.30   The Grannies get an audience.
  ask audience 1.97   Leno asked the audience.
  know audience 1.97   Know your audience.
  lose audience 1.97   He was losing his audience.
  please audience 1.91   He knows how to please an audience.
  entertain audience 1.84   But entertaining audiences remains his passion.
  expand audience 1.84   To survive, it must expand its audience.
  charm audience 1.58   Charm the audience and catch them off guard.
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