main attraction 16.98   He is the main attraction.
  star attraction 7.24   Jim King is the star attraction.
  major attraction 6.45   Jonas is a major attraction.
  new attraction 5.73   New attractions in Hollywood.
  popular attraction 3.75   The zoo is by far the most popular attraction.
  big attraction 3.42   Sports is a big attraction here.
  added attraction 3.09   Sunday trading is an added attraction.
  biggest attraction 2.96   Birds are the biggest attraction in the park.
  sexual attraction 2.44   We have envy, animosity, sexual attraction.
  coming attraction 2.37   It was a coming attraction.
  local attraction 2.30   Local attractions.
  real attraction 2.11   The real attraction is the bottom line.
  special attraction 1.71   He really had a special attraction to Jackie.
  roadside attraction 1.51   Writer Tom Robbins, just another roadside attraction.
  great attraction 1.45   A great attraction for the price.
  cultural attraction 1.38   Some cultural attractions counted themselves lucky.
  mutual attraction 1.38   Still, a mutual attraction lingers.
  fatal attraction 1.32   Call it fatal attraction.
  key attraction 1.32   The key attraction?
  only attraction 1.32   But money is not the only attraction.
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