medium attention 47.93   But the media attention continues.
  world attention 7.50   Now, world attention has moved on.
  press attention 3.88   Is all this press attention exciting?
  investor attention 3.42   Other Arkansas banks are attracting investor attention.
  pay attention 3.29   Pay attention to fabric feel.
  police attention 2.17   There was more police attention.
  week attention 1.84   Well, pay attention this week.
  year attention 1.78   Her life has been nutty with attention all year.
  day attention 1.38   That view is getting little attention these days.
  government attention 1.25   The problem has begun to draw government attention.
  management attention 1.05   Labor costs for the entire paper have drawn management attention.
  market attention 0.99   Enbrel is not the only drug attracting market attention for Immunex.
  need attention 0.79   That hurts the children who do not show obvious signs but still need special attention, they say.
  priority attention 0.66   Still, Rwanda is at last getting priority attention.
  demand attention 0.59   All three are thinking games that demand constant attention.
  fall attention 0.59   The colt generated plenty of attention last fall after winning the Grade I Champagne Stakes at Belmont.
  draw attention 0.53   Still, he argued, it draws attention to the properties.
  audience attention 0.46   The actors keep moving emphatically, thus riveting audience attention.
  call attention 0.46   Books written in rhyme call attention to the sounds of words.
  command attention 0.46   No Harleys or rock and roll command attention here.
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