first attempt 37.85   That was the first attempt?
  previous attempt 25.81   Two previous attempts failed.
  failed attempt 23.37   Dystopias are failed attempts at utopias.
  second attempt 21.26   But he had a second attempt.
  unsuccessful attempt 16.79   An unsuccessful attempt to fix the faucet ourselves.
  apparent attempt 16.33   Blast an apparent attempt to thwart peace talks.
  repeated attempt 15.87   He never succeeded in spite of repeated attempts.
  latest attempt 11.39   Their latest attempt failed.
  earlier attempt 10.47   An earlier attempt had failed.
  desperate attempt 10.07   She made a desperate attempt to move.
  takeover attempt 9.87   Such a move sometimes precedes a takeover attempt.
  third attempt 9.61   Third attempt.
  recent attempt 7.50   Recent attempts to cut staff provoked clashes with unions.
  serious attempt 7.04   That may be why serious attempts are rare.
  last-ditch attempt 6.98   And each team had a big last-ditch attempt.
  last attempt 6.78   This will be the last attempt.
  new attempt 6.19   WTO makes new attempt to appoint leader.
  final attempt 5.86   On the final attempt, I did it.
  futile attempt 5.86   It was a futile attempt, of course.
  further attempt 5.20   Further attempts to fight the fire were abandoned.
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