government attach 1.32   The government did not attach a cost to the plan.
  people attach 0.99   People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.
  string attach 0.92   No strings attached!
  device attach 0.72   This device attaches to a pill vial with suction.
  company attach 0.66   The company attached a list of all that it claims.
  condition attach 0.66   Mahathir welcomed the offer but said he also would want to know the conditions attached.
  bomb attach 0.53   A bomb was found attached to the fence of a school Thursday, Dutch television reported.
  antibody attach 0.46   Antibodies attach themselves to specific targets, called receptors, on the surface of cells.
  card attach 0.46   Most color scanners require an accessory card to attach to the computer.
  leader attach 0.46   Leaders everywhere attach themselves to soccer.
  virus attach 0.46   Some viruses attach themselves to an existing program, changing its size.
  cable attach 0.39   Special boats nudge them together and they are attached by cable.
  remains attach 0.39   But it is a piece that Ms. Bausch remains deeply attached to.
  value attach 0.39   Who establishes the value attached to different resources and goods?
  wire attach 0.39   No wires attached.
  astronaut attach 0.33   The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit.
  crew attach 0.33   Two days later, the shuttle crew attached the Leonardo cargo carrier to the station.
  flag attach 0.33   Not a flag attached to a national tragedy.
  lawmaker attach 0.33   Lawmakers attached legislative riders that had nothing to do with spending.
  user attach 0.33   After the DC is agreed, a user may attach the DC to a package.
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