commit atrocity 16.92   Atrocities were committed by all sides.
  investigate atrocity 2.57   The team was set last year to investigate military atrocities in Aceh.
  prevent atrocity 1.38   But U.N. officials said they could not prevent new atrocities.
  carry atrocity 1.12   The UN maintains that atrocities were carried out against Serb civilians.
  report atrocity 1.05   Both sides also reported atrocities.
  stop atrocity 0.86   But since then American soldiers have stopped their atrocities.
  condemn atrocity 0.79   He was reluctant to condemn Serbian atrocities, even in the face of ample evidence.
  denounce atrocity 0.79   Our own State Department has denounced rebel atrocities.
  order atrocity 0.79   But those who ordered the atrocity in St. Petersburg may have miscalculated greatly.
  blame atrocity 0.72   The accusations were denied by the Turkish foreign ministry which blamed the atrocity on the PKK.
  cover_up atrocity 0.72   They said Serbs were trying to cover up atrocities with the quick burial.
  document atrocity 0.66   She wants to document atrocities by NATO, too.
  detail atrocity 0.59   Three different cameras detail the atrocities.
  describe atrocity 0.53   YUGOSLAVIA-SREBRENICA-SCENES, witnesses describe Serb atrocities.
  probe atrocity 0.53   On Wednesday, Yugoslavia refused to allow tribunal staff to probe alleged atrocities in Kosovo.
  ignore atrocity 0.46   She said the United States and NATO cannot afford to ignore the atrocities there.
  mastermind atrocity 0.46   Both have been indicted twice for genocide for masterminding atrocities by rebel Serbs during the war.
  prosecute atrocity 0.46   The first was set up to prosecute atrocities committed in the former Yugoslavia.
  cover atrocity 0.39   They also covered atrocities committed by Israeli troops, he told AFP.
  expose atrocity 0.39   The atrocities were eventually exposed to the world, and the empire began crumbling.
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