carnival atmosphere 5.73   A carnival atmosphere!
  circus atmosphere 2.04   Otherwise, it would be a circus atmosphere.
  playoff atmosphere 1.97   Playoff atmosphere.
  crisis atmosphere 1.51   This is a looming crisis without a crisis atmosphere.
  small-town atmosphere 0.92   He wants a small-town atmosphere in his locker room.
  clubhouse atmosphere 0.59   The clubhouse atmosphere has changed.
  pressure-cooker atmosphere 0.59   Pallister has learned to live with the pressure-cooker atmosphere of Old Trafford.
  free-for-all atmosphere 0.53   The confusion and lack of a clear front-runner created a free-for-all atmosphere, with a host of new strategies.
  playoff-type atmosphere 0.53   It was a playoff-type atmosphere.
  village atmosphere 0.53   William Haley blames the deterioration in the village atmosphere largely on foreign visitors.
  holiday atmosphere 0.46   The town has a festive holiday atmosphere.
  team atmosphere 0.46   I was brought up in a team atmosphere and in a non-selfish manner.
  work atmosphere 0.46   The work atmosphere is suffused with a simmering sense of disappointment.
  year atmosphere 0.39   Millions of tonnes are spewed into the atmosphere each year.
  club atmosphere 0.26   It contrasts sharply with the graceful original ceiling designs, still visible in the shadowy club atmosphere.
  college atmosphere 0.26   But it has captured the college atmosphere.
  community atmosphere 0.26   The community atmosphere at the cafe appealed to him.
  frontier atmosphere 0.26   There was a frontier atmosphere to the business.
  investment atmosphere 0.26   It fell victim to a softening economy and a sour investment atmosphere.
  market atmosphere 0.26   But the bearish market atmosphere prompted a late selloff that sent prices down for the day.
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