amateur astronomer 2.96   .com. Amateur astronomers take note.
  professional astronomer 0.86   And professional astronomers are doing the same.
  american astronomer 0.79   The news agency did not identify the American astronomers or say how many would attend.
  british astronomer 0.46   British astronomer Patrick Moore, backs the cause.
  observational astronomer 0.46   Galileo was what today we might call an observational astronomer.
  ground-based astronomer 0.39   Both are used to store the celestial imagery gathered by the telescope and relay it to ground-based astronomers.
  planetary astronomer 0.39   Soon she began working with planetary astronomer David Jewitt.
  italian astronomer 0.33   Otherwise you will fry your eyes, the way the famous Italian astronomer Galileo fried his.
  the astronomer 0.33   I am not speaking of the few thousand astronomers,
  dutch astronomer 0.26   Dutch astronomers detected these clouds of gas three decades ago, but had no way of determining how far away they were.
  early astronomer 0.26   Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.
  european astronomer 0.26   That discovery was made in April by a team of European astronomers.
  fellow astronomer 0.26   Initially, fellow astronomers criticized his efforts in popularizing science as misguided and motivated by a desire for self-promotion.
  modern astronomer 0.26   Modern astronomers are fascinated by Hale-Bopp for other reasons.
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