rest assure 11.13   Rest assured.
  official assure 7.04   Top agency officials assured it would not.
  government assure 4.08   The Muslim-led government is assuring their safety.
  leader assure 2.63   Two religious leaders assured the family it was permissible.
  doctor assure 1.97   But doctors assured him that he had hope.
  authority assure 1.84   Annan said Iraqi authorities assured him they could increase exports.
  company assure 1.51   But the company assured that it has sufficient stocks to meet demand.
  police assure 0.99   He called on the Indonesian police to assure their safety.
  victory assure 0.92   Still, the victory assured Boston of at least one more game.
  step assure 0.86   I took steps to assure myself of her guilt.
  president assure 0.79   When asked, the president assured them there were no surprises in the report.
  country assure 0.72   He said NATO countries must assure Russians that their leader has not taken a leap of misplaced faith.
  prosecutor assure 0.59   Morris said prosecutors have assured him that King is not a suspect.
  win assure 0.59   The win almost assured the U.S. team of reaching the second round.
  diplomat assure 0.46   The top Pakistani diplomat assured his full coperation, he added.
  loss assure 0.46   But the loss does assure Houston of the Eastern Conference title.
  management assure 0.46   Until then, Nakayama said, Bandai management had been assuring him that the deal would go through.
  administration assure 0.39   Now, the administration must assure U.N. acceptance of its conditions and secure the approval of congressional leaders.
  lawyer assure 0.39   Bloch said his lawyers had assured him that the deals were legal.
  mayor assure 0.39   The mayor must assure upstaters -- not to mention Washington -- that the rest is on the way.
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