people assume 11.85   Not the way people assume.
  government assume 4.67   Kang said the government would assume management.
  official assume 2.44   Museum officials assume only one fifth of the illegal traffic is detected.
  company assume 2.11   In some cases, the company also assumes debt.
  investor assume 1.97   At least, that is what Zaslaw and most investors assume.
  state assume 1.91   In another option, the states would assume ownership of the assets.
  analyst assume 1.71   Many analysts assumed that MGM was in for a repeat performance.
  doctor assume 1.58   Doctors assumed it was a migraine.
  most assume 1.58   Most assume the privilege.
  scientist assume 1.58   Scientists have always assumed that familiarity breeds.
  woman assume 1.25   Often women assume that good work will be rewarded, she said.
  expert assume 1.18   Until now, experts assumed that all weight gain is bad.
  police assume 1.18   Police assume the young entrepreneur skippped the country.
  figure assume 1.12   Elsewhere, figures assume a classical decorum.
  researcher assume 1.12   Researchers had assumed that penises must have the same arrangement of fibers.
  model assume 1.05   The model assumes a closed system without migration.
  parent assume 1.05   He says his parents must assume he is dead.
  projection assume 1.05   The projections assume reasonable levels of rainfall.
  agency assume 0.92   Nuclear agency assumes Iraq retains ability to produce weapons.
  market assume 0.92   The market assumes the strike will be short, he said.
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