trade association 21.86   But what exactly is a trade association?
  player association 14.94   Now the players association gets to take its shot.
  industry association 8.95   However, several industry associations opposed the move.
  business association 4.61   Taxpayer advocates and business associations disagree.
  soccer association 4.34   The Danish soccer association declined to comment on the report.
  neighborhood association 3.75   Kick him of the neighborhood association?
  homeowner association 3.62   The homeowners association went after him.
  rifle association 3.23   The rifle association has returned his support.
  football association 2.70   The football associations should set a good example.
  alumnus association 2.57   It had no organized alumni association or slush fund.
  sport association 2.44   Sports associations also would be consulted.
  heart association 2.30   The heart association helped pay for the study.
  employer association 1.84   The employers association Gesamtmetall called the walkouts illegal.
  banker association 1.65   The bankers association has refused to comment on the memorandum.
  journalist association 1.65   Many journalist associations called it undemocratic.
  consumer association 1.51   Megat Junid also urged consumer associations to carry out membership drives throughout the country.
  hospital association 1.38   But the hospital association also is gearing up.
  community association 1.32   The land will be owned by a community association.
  credit association 1.18   - A state credit association, which wanted a consultant.
  saving association 1.18   Mrs. Clinton has said her work for the savings association was minimal.
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