sell asset 37.20   Assets have been sold.
  freeze asset 25.87   The court froze their assets.
  have asset 13.96   They had good assets.
  seize asset 9.28   The ruling junta seized their assets.
  buy asset 8.23   Assets have been bought.
  transfer asset 4.61   He transfers assets to a discretionary trust.
  liquidate asset 4.28   The company is liquidating its assets.
  acquire asset 4.15   They are interested in acquiring assets in Thailand.
  hold asset 3.88   Everyone wants to hold their assets in liquid form.
  protect asset 3.82   The first is to protect your assets.
  use asset 3.69   He would use the assets to start a new carrier, DC Air.
  hide asset 3.36   He thought maybe they were hiding some assets.
  manage asset 3.16   With UTMA, you can manage the assets yourself.
  declare asset 2.70   He said their assets must be declared publicly.
  block asset 2.63   One is blocking assets they may have in this country.
  sell_off asset 2.50   Firms have been slow to sell off assets and reduce debts.
  own asset 2.37   The city owns the assets for the water system.
  recover asset 1.91   Many uneasy about recovering Holocaust assets.
  shed asset 1.84   For a long time, that meant shedding assets.
  purchase asset 1.78   As more assets are purchased, this will drive up their price.
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