use assess 2.70   Then the detector kits are used to assess the danger.
  meet assess 0.66   Officials are meeting to assess how tourism will be affected.
  arrive assess 0.39   Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city.
  do assess 0.33   Bildt said that much more needs to be done to assess the situation.
  set_up assess 0.33   A panel will be set up to assess the suggestions and ideas.
  repeat assess 0.26   One month after completion of this treatment their C-urea breath test was repeated to assess the H pylori state.
  return assess 0.26   After three days, volunteers returned to assess the devastation.
  visit assess 0.26   United Nations legal experts recently visited to assess the possibility of creating an international tribunal to try Khmer Rouge leaders.
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