deny assertion 7.11   India denies the assertion.
  dispute assertion 6.06   Wasch disputed that assertion.
  reject assertion 5.27   Gore rejects those assertions.
  repeat assertion 4.41   The U.S. statement repeated the assertion.
  support assertion 3.82   His record supports his assertion.
  make assertion 3.55   They can still make that assertion.
  challenge assertion 2.50   But BU lawyers challenged that assertion.
  dismiss assertion 2.30   Stoiber dismissed that assertion.
  base assertion 1.38   He did not say on what evidence he had based his assertion.
  contradict assertion 1.32   And Israel contradicted the assertions.
  back assertion 0.99   His assertion was backed up by Kim Miller, a stage manager for CBS.
  question assertion 0.92   Several justices questioned that assertion.
  include assertion 0.72   The article included assertions that Lee was part of an Israeli conspiracy.
  confirm assertion 0.66   The police video does not confirm his assertion.
  prove assertion 0.59   Neither assertion was proved.
  reiterate assertion 0.59   Yet, Hodler reiterated his assertion that Salt Lake was not to blame.
  counter assertion 0.53   The Indian government countered the assertion.
  investigate assertion 0.53   These assertions are being investigated by regulators and government officials.
  refute assertion 0.53   A Los Angeles city attorney refuted the assertion.
  contest assertion 0.46   The Prigges contest that assertion.
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