write article 26.00   Articles were written.
  publish article 21.13   But the article was published.
  read article 10.99   I read your article today.
  include article 3.36   The book includes nine articles by various authors.
  carry article 3.29   It has apologized for carrying the article.
  contribute article 3.16   She contributed articles to other publications.
  approve article 3.09   The article was approved.
  run article 3.09   Sutton ran the article on the front page.
  print article 3.03   Those articles were printed mainly by El Watin and Le Matin.
  see article 2.50   See the article.
  accompany article 2.37   Links to other sites would accompany each article.
  have article 1.97   The Web pages have four articles.
  base article 1.84   Moreover, the article is based on a contradiction.
  feature article 1.78   The article is featured in the September issue.
  find article 1.78   I now cannot find the article.
  contain article 1.65   The papers also contain articles on communism, he added.
  use article 1.58   If you have not used this article please HOLD.
  send article 1.38   It was like sending your article to a really tough editor.
  post article 1.32   And the articles are posted on an unfamiliar Web site.
  report article 1.32   This article was reported in Shanghai and Taipei.
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