suspect arson 4.74   Arson is suspected.
  rule_out arson 2.76   Police have not ruled out arson.
  commit arson 1.12   He is charged with conspiracy to commit arson and mail fraud.
  include arson 0.72   Police said they were investigating causes of the fire, including possible arson.
  indicate arson 0.46   Fireman said they had no evidence to indicate arson.
  prevent arson 0.39   He also blamed police for not trying to prevent arson during the riots.
  investigate arson 0.33   Police are investigating possible arson.
  blame arson 0.26   Police blamed arson for the fires, but no arrests have been made.
  involve arson 0.26   A case involving arson,
  suggest arson 0.26   The evidence suggests arson as the cause of the fire.
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