await arrival 10.73   An audience awaited his arrival.
  delay arrival 6.85   Security precautions delayed her arrival.
  follow arrival 4.08   The transition following his arrival was wrenching.
  announce arrival 3.29   Their arrival was not announced.
  greet arrival 2.57   New arrivals were greeted with suspicion.
  herald arrival 2.44   Rain heralds the arrival of spring.
  welcome arrival 2.17   Bosnian refugees welcome Kosovar arrivals.
  accompany arrival 2.04   Showery rain will accompany the arrival of the cooler air.
  have arrival 1.84   APTV has arrivals.
  confirm arrival 1.71   The company refused to confirm their arrival.
  signal arrival 1.58   It signaled his arrival.
  celebrate arrival 1.51   Iraqis celebrate arrival of spring.
  include arrival 1.38   Includes first arrivals.
  mark arrival 1.38   Its arrival was marked by controversy.
  precede arrival 1.38   A series of events preceded my arrival in Tinton.
  pend arrival 1.32   Military police were guarding the crash site pending the arrival of investigators.
  time arrival 1.32   I saw from the station clock that I had timed my arrival perfectly.
  cheer arrival 1.25   Other people cheered the arrival of light.
  cover arrival 1.18   APTN covers his arrival.
  see arrival 1.18   APTV saw his arrival.
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