chief architect 4.34   Shuster was the chief architect of the existing formula.
  american architect 2.76   Even the American architects went for it.
  french architect 2.30   APTV looks at the plans and talks to the French architect and engineer.
  young architect 2.11   Mountains of Lego and Duplo blocks await young architects.
  modern architect 1.97   Who wanted to grow up and become a modern architect?
  key architect 1.91   Vella was the key architect of that programme.
  principal architect 1.65   Summers served as the principal architect of the bailout.
  local architect 1.58   He was apprenticed to a local architect.
  italian architect 1.51   Italian architect designs Paris memorial.
  main architect 1.51   A main architect of the U.S. military victory over Iraq.
  japanese architect 1.38   The Forum has been criticized by Japanese architects.
  british architect 1.25   And one, by the British architect Cedric Price, is a gem.
  renowned architect 1.12   The museum was designed by the renowned architect, I.M. Pei.
  leading architect 0.99   He was a leading architect of telecommunications deregulation.
  prominent architect 0.92   Livingston was born in New York, the son of a prominent architect.
  primary architect 0.86   As foreign minister he was the primary architect of that policy.
  spanish architect 0.86   The playful Spanish architect, Gaudi, would have rejoiced.
  dutch architect 0.72   The arcade was designed by Dutch architect Jean-Pierre Cluysenaar.
  famed architect 0.72   Both structures were designed by famed architect Julia Morgan.
  great architect 0.66   He was a great architect.
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