successful applicant 3.95   Successful applicants will be notified in September.
  new applicant 3.16   Most new applicants will be rejected.
  qualified applicant 3.16   Job demand vs. qualified applicants in technology sectors.
  white applicant 2.30   Rejected white applicants also would be allowed to reapply.
  the applicant 1.71   The other applicants did not qualify.
  black applicant 1.25   In the end, he said, no black applicants were turned away for any reason.
  rejected applicant 1.18   Rejected applicants are rarely given a reason.
  early applicant 1.05   And the numbers of early applicants have continued to rise.
  potential applicant 0.92   Potential applicants should call their local FBI office and ask for the application unit.
  male applicant 0.79   Entry is currently open to male applicants only.
  prospective applicant 0.59   Prospective applicants should hold an MA or PhD in marketing or business administration.
  unsuccessful applicant 0.59   Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified.
  first applicant 0.53   Among the first mortgage applicants was Karol Toombs.
  female applicant 0.46   Mexico is not the only Latin American country where female applicants are asked to take pregnancy tests.
  foreign applicant 0.46   Only one out of every four foreign applicants was admitted.
  disabled applicant 0.39   In like manner, they found real estate agents unaccommodating to a disabled applicant.
  remaining applicant 0.39   Decisions on the remaining applicants are pending.
  would-be applicant 0.39   Many would-be applicants have expressed fears of harassment and discrimination.
  best applicant 0.33   An Education Ministry spokesman denied that selection was biased, saying the ministry chose the best applicants.
  better applicant 0.33   Does that make them better applicants than everyone else?
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