make apology 27.45   He made profuse apologies.
  demand apology 14.81   Demand an apology.
  offer apology 14.02   He offered no apology.
  issue apology 9.35   Issue an apology.
  accept apology 8.36   The apology was accepted.
  receive apology 3.16   Kim never received an apology.
  have apology 2.90   She had no apologies.
  want apology 2.30   They want an apology.
  publish apology 2.04   It published an apology a month later.
  owe apology 1.45   You are owed an apology also.
  seek apology 1.38   Sudan seeks an apology from the United States along with U.N.
  send apology 1.25   Should I have sent an apology?
  include apology 1.18   It did not include an apology.
  expect apology 1.12   He can never expect an apology from me.
  express apology 1.12   The apology was expressed in broad terms.
  get apology 1.12   You get an apology.
  deserve apology 0.86   So many people deserve apologies.
  give apology 0.86   Apologies are being given.
  read apology 0.79   Chee read the apology at a rally for his Singapore democratic Alliance.
  deliver apology 0.59   Why not just cut to the chase, and have Strom Thurmond deliver the apology right now?
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