public apology 15.47   Tee up a public apology.
  formal apology 7.24   But was this a formal apology?
  official apology 4.94   There has been no official apology.
  written apology 3.42   She also seeks a written apology.
  full apology 2.83   Now Warsaw wants a full apology.
  personal apology 1.84   Yes, it was a personal apology.
  sincere apology 1.38   Please accept my sincere apologies.
  explicit apology 1.32   She insisted on an explicit apology.
  unprecedented apology 1.18   It includes an unprecedented apology for past British misdeeds.
  profuse apology 0.99   He made profuse apologies.
  abject apology 0.86   He offered an abject apology.
  first apology 0.86   Coca-Cola issues its first apology to European consumers.
  japanese apology 0.79   Most Asians have long sought a Japanese apology.
  humiliating apology 0.72   But after publication came a humiliating apology.
  immediate apology 0.72   It demanded an immediate South Korean apology.
  north_korean apology 0.72   President Clinton welcomed the North Korean apology.
  outright apology 0.72   It fell short of the demands for an outright apology.
  similar apology 0.72   Does he feel like offering a similar apology?
  fuller apology 0.66   The Asahi demanded that Kajiyama provide a fuller apology.
  on-air apology 0.66   He delivered an on-air apology soon afterward.
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