cause anxiety 5.60   What causes high anxiety?
  ease anxiety 3.29   Alcohol numbs pain and eases anxiety.
  express anxiety 2.63   Airlines began to express some anxiety.
  create anxiety 2.57   And created anxiety.
  reduce anxiety 2.17   Kava to reduce anxiety.
  relieve anxiety 1.97   To relieve anxiety, take a hot bubble bath.
  have anxiety 1.65   So you begin to have anxiety.
  reflect anxiety 1.45   The poll results reflect widespread anxiety about the economy.
  raise anxiety 1.32   It will only raise your anxiety.
  stir anxiety 1.32   Such predictions stir anxieties in the domestic industry.
  heighten anxiety 1.18   How smoking might heighten anxiety is not known.
  feel anxiety 1.12   Survivors also may feel anxiety.
  suffer anxiety 0.99   Martz admits to once suffering age anxiety, herself.
  increase anxiety 0.92   Villagers complain of broken windows and increased anxiety.
  experience anxiety 0.79   But we never see her experience any anxiety.
  alleviate anxiety 0.72   And it alleviates anxiety.
  generate anxiety 0.72   The layoffs are also generating anxiety on the shop floor.
  overcome anxiety 0.66   Planning can help overcome flying anxiety, both for parent and child.
  produce anxiety 0.66   For these people, more unstructured time than they are accustomed to produces anxiety.
  allay anxiety 0.59   Excessive anxiety should be allayed.
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