radio antenna 2.17   Astro seeks to avoid the radio antennas that dot the landscape.
  television antenna 1.97   A piece of the television antenna from the north tower.
  car antenna 1.51   She was whipped by the Taliban with a car antenna.
  satellite antenna 1.51   Home satellite TV antennae are outlawed.
  communication antenna 0.72   Also on their work list was attaching a spare communications antenna to Alpha.
  rooftop antenna 0.53   Had the rooftop antenna slipped out of place by a degree or two?
  microwave antenna 0.33   Communications go through two blast-hardened microwave antennas and two underground coaxial cables.
  rabbit-ear antenna 0.33   The blackout started a run on rabbit-ear antennas and satellite TV systems.
  radar antenna 0.33   During World War II, its metal shops created a prototype for radar antenna.
  transmission antenna 0.33   Half of the main transmission antenna was destroyed and was laying in the street.
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