undergo angioplasty 4.41   Yosef had undergone an angioplasty.
  perform angioplasty 2.11   The angioplasty was performed two days later.
  have angioplasty 1.38   He ended up having angioplasty.
  do angioplasty 0.33   The heart association estimates that more than a million angioplasties are done each year nationwide.
  follow angioplasty 0.33   Stents are used to support veins following angioplasty.
  need angioplasty 0.26   More patients in the elective group need angioplasty at a later stage.
  use angioplasty 0.26   By contrast, angioplasty can be used on narrower, curving arteries.
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