public anger 19.82   Public anger is one thing.
  widespread anger 5.40   The raid set off widespread anger among Palestinians.
  popular anger 4.28   It might also reignite popular anger.
  growing anger 3.62   With growing anger, she decided to retaliate.
  palestinian anger 3.49   Palestinian anger over attack.
  arab anger 2.44   The world nods in sympathy with Arab anger.
  righteous anger 1.71   Righteous anger.
  pent-up anger 1.25   People looked at me, and pent-up anger began to flow.
  russian anger 1.18   The official identified three reasons for Russian anger.
  serb anger 1.18   But the peace force actions only fueled Serb anger.
  deep anger 1.05   Yet a deep anger burns.
  mounting anger 1.05   Eto later retracted the remarks but failed to soothe the mounting South Korean anger.
  considerable anger 0.99   This sparked considerable public anger.
  mock anger 0.99   I said in mock anger.
  intense anger 0.86   The other was intense anger.
  rising anger 0.79   Some residents voiced strong support for Kabila and rising anger with the Rwandans.
  black anger 0.72   Feeding black anger is the slow pace of change.
  lingering anger 0.72   The speculation was that there was lingering anger toward the Giants.
  seething anger 0.72   This triggers seething anger.
  suppressed anger 0.72   Suppressed anger became overt.
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