common ancestor 4.48   They have a common ancestor.
  human ancestor 3.36   What is the very earliest human ancestor?
  direct ancestor 1.58   Direct ancestor?
  ancient ancestor 0.99   Each is derived, no doubt, from some ancient shared ancestor.
  distant ancestor 0.79   It is quite wolfen, like a distant ancestor thanking the moon for his quarry.
  earliest ancestor 0.79   How did our earliest ancestors think?
  early ancestor 0.72   Perhaps, anthropologists say, early ancestors were similarly restricted.
  wild ancestor 0.59   All these breeds descend from some wild ancestor.
  remote ancestor 0.53   Its genes also hint at its remote ancestors.
  dead ancestor 0.46   They select quartz stones for the shrine to represent each dead ancestor.
  african ancestor 0.39   They invoked the spirits of their African ancestors and poured libations.
  european ancestor 0.39   But even then I could get only the most fragmentary glimpses of my European ancestors.
  famous ancestor 0.39   Like his famous ancestor, he is safeguarding a racial secret.
  reptilian ancestor 0.39   At what point did the reptilian ancestors of mammals start developing a warmblooded metabolism?
  universal ancestor 0.39   A new and far-reaching theory about the universal ancestor has been developed by Woese.
  immediate ancestor 0.33   All the known forms were fitted into a single sequence so that the Neanderthals became our own immediate ancestors.
  jewish ancestor 0.33   Yegor T. Gaidar, the former prime minister who promoted a free market, also has some Jewish ancestors.
  male ancestor 0.26   Somewhere up the ancestry tree, they shared a common male ancestor.
  mythical ancestor 0.26   From the darkness appears Mera, a mythical ancestor of Cambodians, flanked by two other dancers dressed in ornate costumes of silk and gold.
  pioneer ancestor 0.26   But like your pioneer ancestors who settled this district, you are not deterred by adversity.
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