news analysis 6.71   A news analysis.
  cost-benefit analysis 6.39   The reason may be a simple cost-benefit analysis.
  computer analysis 5.60   Computer analysis was applied to the data.
  datum analysis 3.75   He specializes in data analysis.
  laboratory analysis 3.16   There is no laboratory analysis.
  risk analysis 2.50   Part is risk analysis.
  regression analysis 2.04   Multiple stepwise regression analysis was also applied.
  handwriting analysis 1.78   Will handwriting analysis give an answer?
  market analysis 1.78   Stern says he is meticulous in his constant market analysis.
  cost analysis 1.51   Northside Hospital, for example, is conducting a cost analysis of PET.
  lab analysis 1.12   Lab analysis will prove that, Craft says.
  credit analysis 0.99   Concepts such as equity analysis and credit analysis are also included.
  hair analysis 0.99   Substitute hair analysis.
  policy analysis 0.86   He was instantly reassured by Brett Mandel, the director of financial and policy analysis for the controller.
  fingerprint analysis 0.79   The reliability of fingerprint analysis went unchallenged for decades.
  blood analysis 0.72   His work enhanced the accuracy of now-common procedures like mammograms and blood analyses.
  blot analysis 0.66   Southern blot analysis of DNA from P. anserina transformants.
  citation analysis 0.66   But over all, citation analysis works.
  investment analysis 0.66   Described methods of investment analysis.
  soil analysis 0.66   Soil analysis and improvement.
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