reduce amount 38.51   Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
  increase amount 24.23   Increase amounts as desired.
  limit amount 16.66   Parents can limit the amount of purchases.
  spend amount 11.45   Kids spend fantastic amounts of money on CDs.
  disclose amount 10.53   The amount was not disclosed.
  specify amount 10.01   No amount was specified.
  double amount 9.41   That is double the amount of a decade ago.
  raise amount 8.49   These surface bursts raise vast amounts of dust.
  pay amount 8.36   The amount it pays its professors.
  sell amount 6.65   A small amount will be sold locally.
  have amount 5.79   She also has what amounts to a license to kill.
  contain amount 5.46   Broccoli contains small amounts of carcinogens.
  use amount 5.46   Some ski resorts use huge amounts of artificial snow.
  determine amount 5.40   How is that amount determined?
  give amount 5.27   No amount was given.
  receive amount 4.67   Other sharholders will receive smaller amounts.
  produce amount 4.61   The region produces large amounts of cotton and tobacco.
  measure amount 4.54   She measured the amount with one quick look.
  cut amount 4.34   Cut the amount of bourbon if you prefer.
  buy amount 4.02   Other stamps let people buy other amounts.
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