constitutional amendment 97.24   Do we need a new constitutional amendment?
  proposed amendment 24.95   But this proposed amendment would backfire.
  democratic amendment 5.00   A Democratic amendment along such lines was defeated.
  new amendment 4.41   The new amendments would close them.
  controversial amendment 3.69   More controversial amendments remain.
  such amendment 3.29   At best, such an amendment is unnecessary.
  similar amendment 2.24   The House approved a similar amendment.
  first amendment 1.65   Lenk did first amendment work at the firm.
  republican amendment 1.58   Two Republican amendments succeeded.
  minor amendment 1.51   The bill was passed with minor amendments Thursday.
  legal amendment 1.45   Twenty-one legal amendments.
  state amendment 1.38   No state constitutional amendment can rewrite that conclusion.
  further amendment 1.25   Are there further amendments?
  possible amendment 1.25   Mikelic wanted the plan put to the self-styled lawmakers for possible amendments, Iskra said.
  the amendment 1.18   The talk centers around the potential conflict between the two amendments.
  legislative amendment 1.12   And votes on legislative amendments will no longer be recorded.
  second amendment 1.05   A second amendment limits the presidency to two five-year terms.
  congressional amendment 0.99   The Congressional amendment waived that rule especially for Penn Alto.
  key amendment 0.92   The key anti-tobacco amendments have not yet been spotted.
  anti-abortion amendment 0.79   In fact, the anti-abortion amendment has been politically stalled for years.
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