have ally 9.87   He had allies.
  find ally 5.53   And he found an ally from Arizona.
  seek ally 1.71   Seeking an ally, Talabani turned to Iran.
  make ally 1.25   They have made powerful allies in the U.S. Congress.
  include ally 1.18   He offered to include European allies within the protective umbrella.
  alienate ally 1.05   But he quickly alienated many allies.
  gain ally 0.99   But that also gives Fox some leverage with which to gain legislative allies.
  accuse ally 0.92   He also accused the allies of sacrificing long-term gains for short-term profits.
  need ally 0.92   We need allies, not adversaries.
  win ally 0.86   Winning an ally.
  brief ally 0.72   State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said U.S. ambassadors briefed allies.
  help ally 0.66   Taiwan uses its billions of dollars in reserves to help its allies.
  lose ally 0.66   Does it lose allies?
  anger ally 0.59   China has hesitated to let him leave for fear of angering longtime ally North Korea.
  enlist ally 0.59   She enlisted allies to lobby the Virginia legislature in Richmond.
  reassure ally 0.59   Seeking to calm jittery financial markets and reassure allies abroad, Bush on Friday showcased economic and national security policy.
  criticize ally 0.53   Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev departed from a prepared speech to criticize the allies.
  keep ally 0.53   Now his main job, another military officer said, is to keep the allies in line.
  protect ally 0.53   She said U.S. allies are protected.
  visit ally 0.53   The president plans to visit diplomatic allies Senegal, Malawi, Sao Tome and Principe and Swaziland.
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