new allocation 1.32   Chief among these was a new allocation of special drawing rights.
  efficient allocation 0.92   In this situation, an efficient budgetary allocation is mandatory.
  annual allocation 0.79   If not next month, then in January when the annual allocations were made.
  budgetary allocation 0.72   In this situation, an efficient budgetary allocation is mandatory.
  additional allocation 0.59   If so, the Quechan Indian Tribe is entitled to additional allocations of Colorado River water each year.
  current allocation 0.59   Are we at great risk with the current allocation?
  increased allocation 0.53   Many feel that the state government can ensure development of these areas through increased allocation.
  special allocation 0.53   Certain community self-help groups were offered special allocations.
  larger allocation 0.46   He wants a larger allocation in any case.
  state allocation 0.46   Project Return still does not know its state allocation.
  foreign allocation 0.39   Myers will likely be reassigned to another team as a foreign allocation.
  full allocation 0.39   It has also not taken its full allocation of diamonds.
  future allocation 0.39   The developing countries also want to keep the door open for future allocations.
  housing allocation 0.39   And that is in excess of fifty percent of the new housing allocation.
  largest allocation 0.39   The largest allocations went, in order of size, to education, public works, defence, local government and health.
  further allocation 0.33   Further allocations would be disbursed as and when feasibility studies are completed, he said.
  large allocation 0.33   The very presence of the mines necessitated a large allocation of precious manpower to keep the roads open.
  stock allocation 0.33   The modest stock allocation may change, however.
  existing allocation 0.26   Little of these paltry sums is likely to be new money, most being sliced off existing allocations.
  federal allocation 0.26   Local authorities also often use federal allocations for their own needs, further exacerbating the problem.
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