high alert 39.43   America is on high alert.
  full alert 11.52   All ships were on full alert.
  heightened alert 8.23   Police will be on heightened alert.
  red alert 6.98   Staff on red alert.
  general alert 5.79   State radio announced a general alert.
  maximum alert 5.20   US Marines went on maximum alert.
  highest alert 2.17   Law enforcement agencies on highest alert.
  nationwide alert 2.17   The armed forces were on nationwide alert.
  special alert 1.97   No French units are currently on special alert.
  military alert 1.58   South Korea considers heightened military alert.
  false alert 1.38   That, too, was a false alert.
  tactical alert 1.38   Police have been put on tactical alert in case of any disturbances.
  terrorist alert 1.32   On the basis of that information, the FBI has issued terrorist alerts over the past week.
  higher alert 1.25   Soldiers have been placed on higher alert along the Albanian-Kosovo border.
  top alert 1.12   Moscow police declared a top alert, but there were no reports of arrests.
  orange alert 0.99   Orange alert means that personnel can be mobilised anytime.
  emergency alert 0.92   Police in Tokyo were placed on emergency alert.
  first alert 0.92   The first alert for contenders.
  new alert 0.86   Bush spoke on a day of heightened tension from new alerts.
  constant alert 0.66   He told the border guards they must be on constant alert.
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