photo album 12.77   Photo albums.
  debut album 7.44   So Many Roads is their debut album.
  rap album 2.83   My rap album is over.
  tribute album 2.57   Tribute albums are always dreadful.
  studio album 2.17   A new studio album?
  rock album 1.78   The greatest rock albums ever made?
  country album 1.45   She also won best country album.
  soundtrack album 1.25   A soundtrack album is planned.
  cast album 1.18   There may be a new cast album.
  greatest-hits album 1.05   A new greatest-hits album with four new songs is due in September.
  photograph album 0.92   Tim was looking through an old photograph album.
  gospel album 0.79   They all did gospel albums.
  music album 0.79   What is the best-selling classical music album?
  compilation album 0.72   Additional compilation albums are due out in February and May.
  concept album 0.72   This concept album generally falls flat.
  holiday album 0.66   Every person on Earth with access to a recording studio has made a holiday album.
  vinyl album 0.66   Just like the vinyl album before it, the cassette is limping into history.
  blues album 0.59   Does everyone have to record a blues album?
  comedy album 0.59   First comedy album?
  duet album 0.59   A long-planned duet album with Lynn may happen this year.
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