military aircraft 37.72   Military aircraft and so on.
  commercial aircraft 19.75   Commercial aircraft are global products.
  new aircraft 15.27   They have deferred new aircraft purchases.
  russian aircraft 11.52   Russian aircraft raid Chechen villages.
  civilian aircraft 10.27   Models for civilian aircraft will come later.
  israeli aircraft 9.41   Israeli aircraft raided the same area twice Monday.
  small aircraft 7.31   A small aircraft now obstructed the runway.
  combat aircraft 7.18   Fly combat aircraft.
  allied aircraft 6.85   All allied aircraft returned safely to base.
  american aircraft 6.78   No American aircraft were shot down, officials said.
  the aircraft 4.94   The other aircraft landed safely.
  british aircraft 4.74   The Serb missiles missed the British aircraft.
  unmanned aircraft 4.48   Other unmanned aircraft also were favored.
  french aircraft 4.21   A French aircraft to coordinate efforts also arrived.
  dutch aircraft 3.62   US, British, French and Dutch aircraft were involved, he said.
  first aircraft 3.09   Q. When was the first jet passenger aircraft?
  enemy aircraft 3.03   We were instructed to keep a lookout for enemy aircraft.
  private aircraft 2.96   Private aircraft no longer have to pay a fuel tax.
  civil aircraft 2.90   Civil aircraft, particularly airline transports, led the decline.
  smaller aircraft 2.63   This included using smaller aircraft.
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